How To Order
- When you find an item you want to purchase, simply set any options if they are present such as Quantity, Size, Color or Style to your desired settings and click on the "BUY" button.
- You will then see a quantity of that item you ordered appear under that item in red text.
You can always review your order or check out at any time by selecting the long button at the top of any merchandise page that reads 'Review My Order/Checkout'.
- If you made a mistake or change your mind, click on the 'EDIT' OR 'REMOVE' link to the left side on your order form.
This can be done at any time during your shopping.
After you review your current selection and everything looks fine you can return to browsing the site by clicking on the 'Continue Shopping...' link.
You will be returned right where you left off.
- If you are done shopping, click on the 'Review My Order/Checkout' button where you will be asked for your name, shipping information and so on.
Details and instructions are highlighted with yellow to help with your ordering process.
- If you find something else you want to buy after you check out, don't worry.
You have your browser session to add to your previous order.
Closing your browser will close your order.
No orders will be complete unless you complete the whole order form and click the 'COMPLETE YOUR ORDER' button at the bottom.
- **Please note: many products on our website may require more information and consultation.
You can request consultation or more specific information about that particular item by clicking on the 'Contact IPEC' link where you can fill out a simple form.
Just include the name of the item you are interested in in the 'Subject' line of the contact form.
You are always welcome to contact us regarding any item of interest to you - Contact IPEC.
We hope you enjoy your shopping experience. Please bookmark and visit with us often!
© IPEC Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved.