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Zoltan Mester PhD
It is Time Again for SB-14 Compliance Reporting
Every 4 years a number of facilities in California must report their accomplishments and future plans related to pollution prevention as required by the SB-14 regulation.
The recent 4-year cycle ends this year and by September 1, 2007 the Summary Progress Report must be submitted to the Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) for SB-14 compliance. Plating companies generating and handling significant quantities of waste streams must be especially cognizant of SB-14 compliance.
The Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Act of 1989 commonly referred as Senate Bill (SB) 14, appears as Article 11.9, under Chapter 6.5, Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. SB-14 requires generators to plan and implement measures for source reduction of hazardous wastes and to report the results of these efforts in a four-year cycle that commenced in 1989.
SB-14 applies to a generator that at the facility site routinely generates, through ongoing processes and operations, more than 12,000kg (26,400lbs) of hazardous waste in a reporting year or more than 12 kg (26.4lbs) of extremely hazardous waste in a reporting year. The definitions of extremely hazardous waste and hazardous waste are found in Sections of 25115 and 25117 of the Health and Safety Code. The steps that must be followed in deciding the hazardous waste or extremely hazardous waste status are found in Section 66262.11 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
What Facilities Must Do
SB-14 requires a detailed identification of major waste streams, quantities, past pollution prevention accomplishments and planned future pollution reduction practices. Since the reporting year is 2006 the waste stream information should address last year's related activities. The waste management practices should address accomplishment in 2006 and all approaches since the last base line year that is 2002.
How to Approach SB-14
Facility managements have a choice to comply grudgingly or take a positive, proactive stance. SB-14 compliance calls for developing more "green" facilities that pollute less thus contribute to a healthier population and the environment. While looks like an added cost item, SB-14 ultimately saves money by implementing more effective work practices and reducing hidden costs such as chances for being cited for environmental violations, law suites and being exposed to adverse public opinion.
Zoltan Mester is president and CEO of ZKM Consulting Services. Dr. Mester holds a PhD in chemistry from MIT. And has years of experiance in the electroplating field. If you would like information or help in completing your SB-14 documentation, we highly recommend that you contact him. He can be reached at
ZKMConsulting Services
(949) 495-9513
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