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Continuous Flow Treatment

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Continuous Flow Treatment

Continuous Flow Treatment is the primary method of treating wastewater in the world today. Continously running rinses and process waters can flow as low as 1 gallon per minute to hundreds of gallons per minute. The cost per each gallon treated is far less than batch treatment or other methods in most cases. The down side is the potential lack of consistant quality of effluent, (Discharged water). Also highly concentrated wastewater streams tend to lend themselves more to batch treatment.
IPEC Global continuous systems are unique because during the past 30 years of building these units we have standardized them and packaged them in such a manner to allow for ease of installation and operations at an extremely low price. Apples to Apples, IPEC systems are the best value on the market today.
Here are just a few of the dilute wastewater streams and configurations that IPEC offers. All IPEC systems are fully automatic yet have no Black Boxes and no trade secrets, unless of course you call common sense a trade secret!
> pH Neutralization
> Organics removal
> Heavy Metal Precipitation
> Chromium Reduction and Precipitation
> Cyanide Destruct
> BOD and COD
> Suspended Solids
> Disolved Solids
> Oil-Water Separation
> Water Clarification
IPEC services almost every industry with these systems. From food processors to Metal Finishing to mining, auto and truck washing,or textiles. IPEC systems offer a wide range of applications.
Visit our ONLINE Store to see complete descriptions and pricing for treatment systems and accessories.

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1000-Jr. Wastewater Reactor - Low Flow
The 1000 Jr. is a prepackaged stand-alone, pH neutralization reactor for low flows, (0-5 GPM), but can also be designed to support a high volume treatment system as a final pH adjust and sampling station prior to discharge. The 1000 Jr. can be configured for more complex waste streams as well. These include hexavalent chrome reduction, cyanide destruct, and many others.

Visit our ONLINE Store for pricing.

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1000-STD Wastewater Reactor - Medium Flow
The 1000 STD Reactor is a 0-10 gpm continuous-flow treatment system with automatic pH adjustment in each stage of the reactor. Depending upon the application, the unit may contain 2 to 4 treatment stages, and can include ORP monitoring and adjusting.

Refer to our TECH Bulletins and visit the ONLINE Store to see the many applications and pricing for the Series 1000 STD Reactor.

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1000-SR Wastewater Reactor - High Flow
The 1000 STD Reactor is a high-volume, (0-60 gpm) continuous-flow treatment system with pH adjustments in each stage of the reactor. Similar to other IPEC Reactors the 1000-SR is prepackaged and ready to install. The 1000-SR can stand alone or be connected to an inclined plate clarifier such as the Series 3000. All IPEC Reactors share the same flexibility to be designed to treat many different types and volumes of wastewater.

Our Tech Bulletins and ONLINE Store can show you many of the ancillary products that mate to the Series 1000-SR Reactor.

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1000-PE Wastewater Reactor - High Flow
1000-PE Reactors are high capacity systems, (60 to 150 gpm or greater), that can stand-alone or be integrated with a clarifier, pump station, filter press, etc. The reactors come fully assembled including multi-stage polyethylene reactor tanks, seismic-4 tank support structures, full lenght observation platforms, mixers, automated chemical addition pumps and controls with full instrumentation.

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