AFFORDABLE - PRACTICAL - ZERO Discharge of wastewaters to the sewer and closed loop recycling of dilute rinse waters has finally come of age. IPEC has spent over 20 years of investigation and has worked with dozens of companies in this field. We can now offer reliable, low cost and practical systems that can get you off and keep you off the sewer. Like everything else in our industry there are no black boxes or proprietary systems or even revolutionary patents out there. ZERO Discharge is a matter of common sense and applying waste minimization and proven treatment methods.

What you see below are some of the methods we use to close loop systems, your facility may not need all of them.

Waste Minimization
Point of Source Treatment
Ion Exchange
Water Polishing
Reverse Osmosis
Batch Treatment
Waste Segregation
Filter Presses

Come visit one of our customers and see for yourself!

Visit the IPEC ONLINE Store for many Products and Technical help that you will need to begin closing the loop at your facility!